China, what a trip!

China, what a trip!
Kaifeng, China

Friday, June 29, 2007

The End

This is now the end of our China journey and our blog. I hope everyone who reads it comes away with a small sense of what a wonderful opportunity and adventure this was for everyone who traveled on this trip.

This blog would not be complete if it did not thank Barb Thomases for her extraordinary efforts to help plan and manage this trip. She did a tremendous job!

A final thanks must go to Jim Kull, for whom none of us would have had this truly enlightening experience. It was through Mr. Kull's vision and dedication to each of the students on this trip that we were able to enjoy this opportunity. This trip will change the lives and will be in the memories of all who traveled, for the rest of our lives. Mr. Kull has changed our lives in a profound and meaningful way. Thanks to him and his wonderful wife Jennie and his two beautiful and fun daughters for their time and efforts for all of us!!!

Thanks for reading!



Marcia Koenen said...

We wish to thank Mr. Kull, Mr. Wukitsch, Barb Thomases, Sue Doebler, Dr. Nelson, and all the chaperones who made this trip possible for our son, Nick, and the STCE musicians. This was a remarkable opportunity; they will remember their adventures for a lifetime. Thank you, thank you , thank you!!!!!

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

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